Thursday, December 27, 2018

Things You Wanted To Know About Liposuction But Were Afraid To Ask

Although it is growing rapidly in popularity, a significant section of the society still considers Orange County liposuction as an unethical way of dealing with excessive body fats. As a result, many people have a plethora of questions about the procedure, but they find it embarrassing to ask. Below is a discussion of some things you may have wanted to know about liposuction but you were afraid to ask.

Will I be able to hide my scar?

Considering the negative view of the society with regards to liposuction or coolsculpting in Orange County, you may not want everyone at the beach to know that you went for surgery to get rid of excessive fats from your tummy. Thus, many people thinking of going for liposuction in Orange County have questions about how visible the scars are going to be after the surgery. Luckily, this is an issue that plastic surgeons appreciate, and therefore, your Orange County plastic surgeon will most likely perform the procedure in such a way that the scar will end up in a position that is not readily visible.

Can I still get intimate with my partner after the surgery?

To some people, talking about intercourse to people they are not used to is hard and they find it embarrassing to ask questions about how liposuction could affect their sex life or sex drive. In this, regard, you just have to remember that liposuction is only meant to remove excessive fats, and therefore, it won't affect your performance in bed. However, like any other surgical procedure, the first week may be a bit hard for you due to pain, and you may need some time to recover before you can get intimate with your partner again.

Lumpiness has persisted after the surgery, what do I do?

Looking at the "before and after" pictures of others who have undergone liposuction in the past may give you the impression that the results are going to be immediate. However, everything takes time, and there is the recovery period during which the excess skin and lumpiness should recede. It can take up to 12 months for the lumpiness to completely disappear.

Remember that like other surgical procedure, results may vary, and you may not achieve exactly what you have probably seen in magazines. But if lumpiness persists for more than 12 months, you should go back to your doctor.

The takeaway

Whatever issues you may be having, remember that every surgical operation is unique and your case may also require special attention. Contact us for any questions about liposuction in Orange County.

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